(h) "double trip" or "round trip" or "return trip" means one to and fro journey from terminus terminus of a route; (i) "Express Service" means a ser ice plying on route covering a distance of not less than kilometres, the permit for which prescribes that on an average the stage carriage shall stop to pick up or down passengers only once for ;very 25 kilometres of the total distance covered by its route, the starting and terminal places being excluded for this purpose: Provided that nothing contained in the definition shall by itself affect a service which has been termed Express" and already in existence on the 1st April 1965: Provided further that metropolitan service may also be plied as "Express Service" within the Madras Metropolitan area if so authorised by the transport authority in the permit, subject to such conditions as may specify: Provided also that a stage carriage can also be plied as Express Service in City or Town Service, as case may be, if the permit for which prescribes that the stage carriage shall stop to pick up and set down passengers only on such stop' daring such hours as may fce specified in the conditions of Permit; 6) "form" means a Form appended to these rules; (k) "Government" means the Government of Tamil Nadu; (1) "Inspecting Officer of the Transport Department" means any Officer of the Transport Department not below the rank of Motor Vehicles Inspector Grade II; (m) "Magistrate" means a salaried Magistrate in the State of Tamil Nadu; (n) "Metropolitan Service" means a service plying exclusively in the Madras Metropolitan area defined and notified under clause (4) of section 2 of the Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1974); (0) "Mini-bus" means a stage carriage constructed on a wheel base of not exceeding 390 cms. carrying or adapted to carry more than six passengers but not more than twenty-five passengers excluding the driver and the conductor; (p) "Ordinary Service" means a service plying in an area other than the Madras Metropolitan area routes other than City and Town service routes and excludes an Express Service; (q) "Passenger-Cum-goods carriage" means a stage carriage carrying or adapted to carry not more than passengers excluding the driver and conductor with provision for racks to carry goods within the motor vehicle: (q) "Passenger-Cum-goods carriage" means a stage carriage carrying or adapted to carry not more than passengers excluding the driver and conductor with provision for racks to carry goods within the motor vehicle: (r) "Passenger" for the purpose of these rules, means any person travelling in a public service vehicle other than the driver or thte conductor or any employee of the permit holder while on duty: Explanation. An employee of the permit holder other than the driver or conductor, while travelling stage carriage on duty, shall carry with him an identity card or authorisation issued to him by the permit holder permitting him to travel in the stage carriage on duty and shall produce it for inspection whenever required; "primary authority" means the Regional Transport Authority competent to entertain and dispose of application in respect of any specific route or specific area within the meaning of section 69;, (t) "primary region" means the territorial jurisdiction of the primary authority; (u) "Public stand" means any stand maintained by the Government, local authority or any State