(x) "Section" means the section of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988; (y) "shuttle trip" or "cut trip" means a single journey on a portion of a route; (2) "Shuttle double trip" or "shuttle round trip" or "shuttle return trip" means one to and fro journey on part of a route; (aa) "State" means the State of Tamil Nadu (bb) "State Transport Appellate Tribunal" or "Tribunal" means the person appointed by the State Government to hear appeals under section 89 or a revision under section 90; (cc) "taxi-meter" means any approved mechanical or electronic device attached to a motor cab or the calculation and legible exhibition of fares and other charges due from passengers therein; (cc) "Transport Commissioner" means any officer appointed by the State Government to perform the functions of the Transport Commissioner, Tamil Nadu State, under these rules and the rules made by the Central Government under the Act and includes a Joint Transport Commissioner or, as the case may be, a Deputy Transport Commissioner (dd) "Transport Department" means the Motor Vehicles Department established under section 213; (ee) "trip" or "single trip" means a single journey from one terminus to the other of a route; "trip distance" means — (i) in relation to the service performed by a vehicle on a route, the total distance all its trips, including shuttle trips, if any, performed by the vehicle in a day; (ii) in relation to several vehicles on a route, the total distance performed in a day by all the vehicles all the trips if any, on a route; (in) in relation to vehicles on different routes, the total distance performed, in a day by all the vehicles all the routes in all the trips including shuttle trips if any; (gg) "trunk road" means any highway declared by or under the National Highways Act, 1956 (Central 48 of 1956) to be a National Highways or any road notified as a State Highways in the Tamil Nadu Government Gazette by the State Government. Amendments Clause (da) inserted by SRO A-48/2007 dated 28-11-2007. In clause (e), the second proviso inserted by SRO A-117/93 dated 5-8-1993; in clause (e), the expression "35 kilometres in all districts except Chennai" substituted by SRO A-2/2007 dated 4-1-2007; in clause (e), in the second proviso, the expression "distance of kilometres ... 40 kilometres" and "2001 census" substituted by SRO A-2/2007 dated 4-1-2007; clause (i) substituted by SRO A-154/89 dated 26-9-1989; in clause (z), sub-clause (cc) inserted by SRO A-1 10/90 dated 1990. 3-A. The General Clauses Act, 1897, shall apply to the interpretation of these rules as it applies to the interpretation of the Act. 3-B. Unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context, the definitions in rule 3 shall apply to the interpretation of the notifications issued under the Act.